Wednesday, November 11, 2009

PUR Flavor Pitcher Review & *Giveaway* - Ends Nov 27

I don't know about you, but for work I'm sitting at a computer all day. I used to have to the problem of forgetting to drink water. By the end of the day I'd have a headache and dry mouth. I was ecstatic when I won a PUR Flavor Pitcher in a blog giveaway. I now keep the pitcher filled with water on my desk so I can drink up.
Go to fullsize image
The pitcher holds 7 glasses of water. Fill it up to filter your tap water, removing 98% of lead and impurities. When pouring, you have the option of running the water through a flavor filter. My favorite flavor is raspberry, but you can chose from these:


What's great is that the flavors are NOT like soda-- no calories, no carbs, no sugar. Your water doesn't become thick juice, it becomes light water that you can drink a lot of. This is a great way to get everyone in your house drinking more water!

Is it any surprise this product was voted the 2009 Product Of The Year by the Consumer Survey Of Product Innovation? It's a SMART product!
  • PUR's website says that their filters work twice as well as Brita water filters because it is a two-system filtration process. That is good news!
  • Using a PUR filter pitcher is 1/10 the cost of buying bottled water! It only takes $15 to start using PUR filtering systems.
What to win a PUR Options Flavors pitcher just like I did? Well you can! PUR is giving one reader their own pitcher (comes with flavor).
Mandatory Entry:
  1. To enter this giveaway, go to the PUR Flavor Options website and take the quiz "What's Your Flavor?" Come back and tell me! You must include your email address if it is not in your Blogger profile.

Extra Entries:
  1. Tell me a new flavor you'd like to see PUR start offering.
  2. Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect
  3. Subscribe to my blog via feed or email.
  4. Follow me on Twitter (@sweepstakesgirl)
  5. New: Add me to a Twitter list! (@sweepstakesgirl)
  6. Follow PUR on Facebook
  7. Tweet about the giveaway: Win in the PUR Flavor Options Pitcher giveaway @sweepstakesgirl ........(Can be done once per day)
  8. Grab my button and add it to your blog. Tell me where to find it and give yourself 2 extra entries!
  9. Put a link and prize description to this giveaway on your Facebook, blog, or giveaway Mr Linky.
  10. Enter one of my other giveaways!
Giveaway is open to the U.S. and Canada. Please follow directions. Giveaway ends at midnight on 11/27/09.


Unknown said...

i'm sassy strawberry

Unknown said...

i'd like to see a cranberry flavor

Unknown said...

i entered easy daysies

Tanya said...

Im Crystal Clear! :)

Tanya said...

Ooooh, I would like to see mango, or pineapple

Tanya said...

I follow on google friend

Tanya said...

I am an email subscriber

Tanya said...

I follow on twitter, thanks for all the great posts! :)

Tanya said...

I figured out how to do a twitter list and listed! :)

Tanya said...

I tweeted here:

Anonymous said...

They said I was a sassy strawberry..i always felt like one but now I know for sure!

Anonymous said...

I love pomegranate (sp?) flavor to be added

Anonymous said...

I'm following PUR on facebook..Kess N Crystal Warren


Anonymous said...

My flavor is. . . Crystal Clear

Anonymous said...

I would like to see "Strawberry-Kiwi" as a flavor!

Anonymous said...

I follow blog on google friend

Anonymous said...

I follow via email

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter

Anonymous said...

Tweet -

jan816 said...

I'm crystal clear

Mysharona said...

i'm strawberry

JC said...

I am Crystal Clear!

JC said...

I'd like to see lime flavor!

JC said...

Google Friend Connect follower.

JC said...

You're on my Twitter list@tcarolinep

JC said...

Follow PUR on Facebook@tcarolinep JessieKatie S.

JC said...

JC said...


paryjeja said...

I am crystal clear.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

Lime would be great.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

I Follow your blog on Google Friend Connect.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

I subscribed to your blog via email.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

I follow on twitter. @paryjeja
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

I have you on a twitter list.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

I tweeted 11/13 -

paryjeja said...

I follow PUR on facebook as paryjeja.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

paryjeja said...

I entered the Easy Daysies Giveaway.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

Tanya said...

daily tweet here

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

cranapple YUM

Melissa said...

Raspberry said...

I am Crystal Clear.

Tanya said...

daily tweet, thank u!

paryjeja said...

11/14 tweet -

e said...

i'm strawberry :) thanks for the shot!

Unknown said...

I'm crystal clear

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Bandbabe said...

I am a dazzling raspberry.

julis55 said...

They said I was a sassy strawberry..i always felt like one but now I know for sure

kal said...

It said I am a dazzling raspberry.

kal said...

I would like to see a black cherry flavor.

Bethany said...

I was Crystal Clear. Then I retook it and got raspberry.

clc408 said...

I'd like to see Cherry as an option.

clc408 said...

I'm a Dazzling Raspberry.

Starla said...

I got Crystal Clear.

Thanks for the giveaway!

its.a.hit at gmail dot com

Starla said...

I'd love to see a pineapple or a strawberry/raspberry lemonade type flavor.

Thanks again!

its.a.hit at gmail dot com

Tanya said...

daily tweet here
thanks! :)

sksweeps said...

I'm Crystal Clear, but I really want to try the Raspberry!

Tanya said...

daily tweet
thanks! :)

Barbara Bee said...

I'm Dazzling Raspberry.

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Barbara Bee said...

How about chocolate milk flavor? Yum!

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

jlafount said...

I'm Crystal Clear. I doubt that

mogrill said...

Raspberry! YUM!! Thanks for the chance.

409cope said...

I'm Sassy Strawberry. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I would love to see pineapple flavor. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

409cope said...

I am an email subscriber. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Tanya said...

daily tweet here
thanks :)

Armyanglbby said...

I'm Crystal Clear


Armyanglbby said...

I would like to see either pomegranate or cranberry as a flavor

Armyanglbby said...

I am an email subscriber

Armyanglbby said...

I posted a link here:

Armyanglbby said...

I follow on twitter @armyanglbby

Armyanglbby said...

You are listed on Twitter

Armyanglbby said...

I follow PUR on Facebook

Armyanglbby said...

Daily Tweet

Tanya said...

daily tweet here

Smooshy said...

crystal clear!

Tanya said...

daily tweet here:
thank you :)

Tanya said...

thank u very much!
daily tweet

Ken said...

I rated Dazzling Strawberry. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Tanya said...

daily tweet, thanks so much! :)

Karen said...

Sassy Strawberry :)

ktgonyea at

mindy said...

crystal clear thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

Myspiral said...

I am a dazzling raspberry!

Myspiral said...

I'd like to see Lime or pineapple!

Myspiral said...

I'd like to see Lime or pineapple!

Tanya said...

daily tweet

gsm57 said...

I got Crystal Clear on the quiz

Tanya said...

daily tweet

Tanya said...

daily tweet here

thank u!

Tanya said...

daily tweet here:
thx! :)

JulieMoe said...


JulieMoe said...

Follow you!

JulieMoe said...

I subscribe via reader

JulieMoe said...

Follow on twitter @juliemeagan

JulieMoe said...


denyse said...

Crystal Clear for me.

denyse said...

I'd like to see a pomegrante flavor.

Brandy said...

I got a Sassy Strawberry flavor

Brandy said...

I follow on Google Friend Connect

Brandy said...

I'd like to see Banana Strawberry

Sheila Hickmon said...

I got Crystal Clear! Thanks!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Sheila Hickmon said...

I follow your blog via google friend connect as mom2anutball!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Tamara said...

I am Crystal Clear.

arla said...

sassy Strawberry

arla said...


arla said...

Following on google connect

arla said...


arla said...

FOllowing PUR on facebook! id- Lighthouse twentyseven

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am Sassy Strawberry.

THank you so much for the chance to win.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following via Google Friends Connect.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]aol[dot]com

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am a fan of Pur on Facebook as jill Myrick.


Anonymous said...

I would love for Pur to offer a Kiwi flavored water! Yum!
Great giveaway!
whitng10 at yahoo dot com

carolyne nguyen said...

i'm dazzling raspberry!

Brandy said...

It said I am a Sassy Strawberry

Unknown said...

Perfectly Peach for me! Thanks!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

A Mango flavor would be a great new one! Thanks!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

Tanya said...

Thanksgiving daily tweet!

Egare1 said...

I'm Crystal Clear!

Egare1 said...

I'd love a lime-kiwi water flavor, it'd be delicious for the summer!

Egare1 said...

I'm a blog follower! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see a lime or a limeaid flavor

Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

As predicted I am Sassy Strawberry!


Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

I'd like to see Pink Lemonade!


Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

I am now one of your followers. : )


Sir Thrift-A-Lot said...

I am an email subscriber.


demmi said...

i am a lemon

demmi said...

I would like to see them offer a lime flavor

Nancy said...

My flavor is Crystal Clear.

Nancy said...

I think orange would be a good flavor to start offering.

Nancy said...

I am following you on Twitter as njhhb.

Tegan said...

I'm sassy strawberry.

Tegan said...

I would like mango flavored.

Anonymous said...

Dazzling Raspberry is my flavor.

Suzanne said...

Crystal Clear here. Thanks for the contest!

brownhairgirl7 said...

I'm Sassy Strawberry.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I would like to see a mango flavour.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I subscribe to your blog via email.

brownhairgirl7 said...

I follow you on Twitter (MissJo1990).

Tanya said...

daily tweet, thanks so much!

Melissa said...

My flavor is strawberry.

Storm Safety Blog said...

It's kind of serendipitous, but when I took the quiz, I got strawberry, which is also my favorite of all the PUR flavor options.

Nancy S. said...

I'm Dazzling Raspberry.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I follow with google friend.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I'd like maybe a strawberry kiwi or strawberry banana.

Nancy S. said...

I follow you on twitter - ncschools.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I tweeted.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

i was peach ty.

cman said...

Dazzling Raspberry :)

masonsgranny59 said...

cranapple would be nice

vegan4life said...


Betty C said...

My flavor is Crystal Clear.

Betty C said...

I follow on Twitter as willitara.

Betty C said...

I'm a follower.

Betty C said...

I'm an email subscriber.

liliesrnice said...

I'm dazzling raspberry bt i'd rather have peach!

slehan said...

It says I'm a Peach. Thanks for the contest.

/\Heather/\ said...

Crystal Clear?! They lie! I'm a peach girl!

Noggy said...

I'm dazzling raspberry.


/\Heather/\ said...

I like the taste of nectarine, so that would be my new fave flavor, if they made it.

/\Heather/\ said...

New follow on GFC.

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow you on twitter - choochoo428

/\Heather/\ said...

You are on my new twitter list: review-blogs

/\Heather/\ said...

Tweet -

slehan said...

PUR fan on facebook: Slehan

slehan said...

A flavor I'd like to see would be Lime.

Noggy said...

New flavors: Mango, Apple or Blueberry


Noggy said...

Follower via Google Friend Connect.


Noggy said...

Fan of PUR on Facebook.


Donna said...

sassy strawberry for me.

Donna said...

Orange would be good.

Donna said...


Donna said...


Donna said...

follow you on twitter.(donnak4)

Anonymous said...


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